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Our Mission

Over 10 Years Experience in
the Solar industry

At Regener8 Solar, we believe that consistency and attention to even the smallest details are important. We make sure that every customer’s journey is the same from the time they meet with us to the time they get their new solar system, which includes ongoing system monitoring. You can trust us to help you find the best ways to use solar energy. We want to be not just a solar installer, but your long-term partner in green energy. People who have used our solar systems have saved a lot of money, and we’re happy to see that. We’re proud to see millions of savings generated from our solar systems from satisfied clients.

Degradation Guaranteed for 10 Years!!!!!!!
Scott Gramm
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Years Experience
Who we are

Smartest Way to generate electric

It’s important to us that our work has a positive impact on our customers, so we work hard to be efficient so that residential and business communities can thrive both environmentally and economically.

01. Our culture

Regener8 Solar is not your average solar company. We believe in using business as a force for good. We believe in treating our customers as friends and family. We believe in doing right by our employees, being responsible stewards of the environment, and being socially and environmentally responsible on every level possible.

02. Our Productivity

With some of the best installers in North and South Carolina our company has installed over 91,000+ panels. We are proud of the impact that these panels have made on the world and most importantly the money it has saved our customers.

Fun Numbers
Projects Completed
Professional Staff
Million Dollars Money Saved
Panels Installed
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What Our Clients Say

Working Process

Steps to our process

Going solar in just 4 easy steps!



Consult With US

At any time, you can schedule a pressure-free solar consultation with one of our Solar Energy Consultants in your home or in our local Solar Design Center. A customized quote will be drawn up, estimating how much a Regener8 solar energy system can save you in the years to come.



Switch to Solar

After designing a system that suits your homes needs we do all the heavy lifting. We pull permits, contact your local utilities, communicate with our engineering team, and get approval from your HOA. Once everything is in place we order the panels from a local supplier and have the materials drop shipped to your home. Our install is one day and you are ready to switch over and start saving money.



Genreate Power

When you approve the design for your home, we receive approval from your local jurisdiction and schedule your installation. Our expert roofing and electrical crews install your system so that you can begin saving money on your energy usage. Your Project Manager will be communicating to you throughout this process so that you are well-informed about the status of your solar installation!



Save Money

After completing your installation all we need is approval from your local jurisdiction and utility company. Once approved, then it’s time for the most exciting part of your investment: energizing your system! Someone from our team will come to your home, turn it on, and will walk you through the basics of how to save with your new Regener8 Solar system.